Campus Caraïbéen des Arts
Health situation, COVID-19:
The Campus Caraïbéen des Arts makes every effort to guarantee the health security of its students and staff. Martinique is currently one of the regions in the green zone and a low circulation of COVID-19 has been observed on the territory for several weeks.
Who are we?
The Campus Caraïbéen des Arts school of art education in Martinique registered in the network of 46 territorial schools of higher artistic education in France.
Created in December 2011, by the Martinique Region, it constitutes a territorial public establishment attached to the Territorial Collective of Martinique (CTM).
It is placed under the pedagogical supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Communication.
The Campus offers a degree program in the fields of visual arts and design.
It participates in the European area of higher education and research as part of the LMD course (license, master, doctorate), ensuring compliance with European standards.
With a hundred students, the Campus issues two national degrees:
Short cycle of 3 years: the National Art Diploma (DNA, License level)
- DNA Art
- DNA design mention graphic design
- DNA design, mention object design
Long cycle of 5 years: The National Higher Diploma of Plastic Expression (DNSEP, Master level):
- DNSEP Art, mention object design
Students specialize from the 2nd year and have the choice between 3 options: Art, Object Design, Graphic Design.

- Fort-de-France Bay
Campus Caraïbéen des Arts Ermitage - Rue des artistes 97200 Fort-de-France, , Fort-de-France Bay