3 programs found
- A-levels
- United Kingdom
3 programs found
Bexhill College
- Online United Kingdom
Chemistry is critical to solving today’s problems; faster and cheaper drug development; cleaner and more economical fuel sources; safer air and drinking water; biotechnology to improve health and food sources around the world; nanotechnology to reduce the size and environmental impact on many consumer goods and green industrial processes to prevent pollution.
Bexhill College
Art and Design Photography
- Online United Kingdom
Exploring both traditional and digital photography, you will produce work which will show your development and understanding of photography, learn how to use SLR/digital cameras, how the studio works, develop black and white film, darkroom skills and various Photoshop techniques.
Bexhill College
- Online United Kingdom
People with strong mathematical skills are in demand and valued by employers and universities. Mathematics is a ‘must-have’ A-Level for degree-level study in Physical Sciences, Computer Science, all branches of Engineering and of course, Mathematics. If you are thinking of choosing Physics, Computer Science or Chemistry at A-Level, Mathematics should go with them.
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A-levels Programs in Bexhill, United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom and Britain, is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe.The two most famous (and oldest) universities are Oxford and Cambridge (often referred to as Oxbridge by many Britons) England also has several other world-class institutions, including several in London (notably Imperial College, the London School of Economics, University College London and King's College London, all are part of London University)
A-levels are tests students in the UK take to gain entrance into university. Each test covers a different subject, and a student’s score can help him or her choose an area for advanced study.